June 26, 2023 — KOTEM is pleased to announce the latest version of the powerful EVOLVE Suite of software packages. EVOLVE enables you to efficiently define, communicate, and monitor design intent across your manufacturing enterprise.
The EVOLVE 10.0 Suite comprises (4) software packages:
- EVOLVE Design
- EVOLVE SmartProfile®
- EVOLVE Manufacturing

What’s new in EVOLVE Manufacturing 10.0?
Major Enhancements
- NEW “Select similar” function
- Redesigned “Choose feature” dialog
- Improved size characteristic handling
- Enhanced label placement
- Reporting enhancements
- GD&T/GPS related improvements
- QIF import/export enhancements
- Improvements in Data Preparation
NEW “Select similar” function
New “Select similar” functionality is implemented in order to speed up the selection of similar features and geometries based on various rules.
This function saves you a plenty of time due to you do not need to select every geometry one by one.

Redesigned “Choose feature” dialog
“Choose feature” dialog — which comes up if multiple features/geometries are selected while an action (like define datum or tolerance) is performed — is completely redesigned in order to help selecting the proper feature or creating a new pattern or surface feature from the selection.

Improved size characteristic handling
In version 10, adding size tolerance to a feature of size is optional. If you do not want to tolerance the size, you can simply delete it while the feature is still kept.
This means that the size characteristic of the feature will not be shown and reported anywhere.

Size tolerance can be added back to the feature anytime with “+ Add new size tolerance” button:

Enhanced label placement
Easier to manually rotate the labels into the expected position.
“Annotation style” (former “Callout mode”) has been redesigned. A new “Free” mode has been introduced which allows “free” movement of the label, it does not have to be perpendicular to any axis.
This mode is only available if Label appearance (Options/Appearance tab) is set to „Always face with camera.”

Leader line arrows are placed inside holes (where there is no material) in order to make them visible.
Pattern labels can be moved to any of the child features by selecting
the feature from “Move label to” contex menu.
If the label is connected with a single leader line to the feature, the label can be moved to another child item by dragging the arrow of the leader line and dropping it on another geometry.

Reporting: Enhanced drag&drop
Adding new report item to the report is easier than ever with the enhanced drag&drop functionality.
The places where a new report item can be added is clearly indicated by INSERT HERE text in the report preview to ensure the report item is inserted in the proper location.

Inserting a new report item into an individual report item is not possible anymore in order to avoid creating false reports.
Page break can be inserted into complex report items on an enhanced way in order to get the required output:

Reporting: Redesigned FCF details
FCF details report item has been redesigned.
FCF Summaries and FCF details report items have been merged into one report item retaining the benefits of both report items.
This also means that FCF Summaries report item is not available anymore.
The redesigned FCF details report item got a completely new visual look.

GD&T/GPS related improvements
NEW Proofing message has been introduced in order to check the mixing usage of RFS/RMB and MMC/MMB modifiers on the same feature:
“The considered feature is controlled with and without (M) modifier”

[SF] and [SV] ISO modifiers are now supported for Feature of Size datums:

Tangent plane (T) modifier is available in case of Profile tolerances.

Enable/disable proofing messages:
- All available GD&T/GPS Proofing and evaluation messages are listed in a new dialog.
- If you do not want to see a specific message, it can be disabled by unchecking the message.
- The dialog is available in Options –> GD&T/GPS tab –> Advanced –> Enable/disable proofing messages

QIF import/export enhancements
- In version 10, the CAD model can be also exported into the QIF file together with the annotations.
- Continuous development in order to stabilize and enhance QIF import/export
- Improved pattern handling.
- Basic and reference dimensions handling.
- Support importing manufacturing characteristics from QIF file.
- New QIF import option is introduced:

Improvements in Data Preparation
Manual Point Forcing is now available in Traceable mode as well, it can be added as a filter step to the chain.

CAD based filters (CMM-like Sampler, Filter by deviation, Feature-based filter by deviation, Feature based alignment) support theoretical features and constructed features which based on measured points.
Further enhancements
Ability to make constructed features which based on “Measured points” as Perfect feature.
CZ (common zone) modifier can be applied in case of Flatness tolerance on a pattern of planes (ISO only).
CAD colors are used in “Colorize tolerances” mode, i.e. if the imported CAD model is colorized its colors are automatically applied to colorize the tolerances.

We hope the new features and improvements of EVOLVE Suite 10.0 will assist you to efficiently define, communicate, and monitor design intent across your manufacturing enterprise.
Feel free to contact us with any question!